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Plastic Surgery For Men

In modern society, the desire to present the best version of yourself to the world is not an ideal exclusively held by women. Thanks to the evolution of plastic surgery, results achieved with aesthetic procedures can be more subtle and effective than ever. Given the anatomical differences and distinctive perceptions of beauty held by men and women, it takes a plastic surgeon with specialized training refined by years of experience (combined with a well-versed aesthetic eye) to achieve the masculine outcomes sought out by male patients.

Dr. Ira Savetsky has perfected his skillset at institutions considered the most prestigious on a national and international scale, including New York University Langone Health and the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) and uniquely qualified to execute the art of male plastic surgery in such a way that produces natural-looking, superior results.

Gynecomastia Surgery

While gynecomastia affects a large percentage of men past the age of puberty, the condition commonly results in reduced self-esteem, low self-confidence, and a negative self-image in patients. Characterized by overdeveloped male breasts, gynecomastia can result from hormonal imbalances, the use of certain medications, or genetics — the exact cause is unknown. Although considered harmless from a medical perspective, gynecomastia can be a catalyst for avoiding locker rooms, gyms, pools, or situations that require one to be shirtless. Gynecomastia surgery, often referred to as male breast reduction, can provide a better quality of life for men with visible breast tissue by flattening their chest and creating more masculine contours.

Male breast reduction is typically performed using a combination of surgical excision and liposuction. This allows Dr. Savetsky to remove glandular tissue as well as excess fat causing the appearance of an enlarged or overdeveloped chest. Puffy or stretched nipples can also be reduced and improved depending on your unique needs. In order to retain a natural and masculine look, Dr. Savetsky places incisions as discreetly as possible to achieve little to no visible scarring. The procedure typically takes one to two hours, and the majority of recovery is often complete within two weeks.

Facial Procedures

When the effects of environmental exposure, sun damage, stress, and aging cause your appearance to deviate from how you feel internally, facial plastic surgery can be a powerful way to restore the refreshed and energetic look characteristic of youth. Facial rejuvenation is increasingly popular among male patients who wish to make a strong, dominant impression that accurately reflects their internal self. Dr. Savetsky was specially trained in aesthetic facial plastic surgery and rhinoplasty throughout the course of a prestigious fellowship, giving him the tools to achieve first-rate results.

Facial procedures pursued by men may aim to reduce signs of aging and exhaustion, such as treatment with facelift and neck lift surgery, blepharoplasty, or a brow lift. Other options may seek to enhance facial balance with rhinoplasty or otoplasty, thereby achieving more symmetrical and proportionate features. Chin enhancement can also be performed to create a stronger chin as well as a sharper and more defined jawline, which are often considered primary markers of attractiveness in men. Dr. Savetsky can discuss potential solutions to achieve your desired appearance during a consultation.

Body Procedures

Male body contouring can be utilized to flatten a bulging abdomen and/or get rid of exercise-resistant fat around the body, allowing a more sculpted and toned appearance. Whether your goals are best achieved with abdominoplasty or liposuction, Dr. Savetsky can resolve your aesthetic concerns while preserving the sharp lines and masculine contours unique to male patients.

With aesthetic procedures that target the body, it’s possible to bring your ideal physique to the surface without obvious indication of surgical work. Common objectives with regard to body plastic surgery include removing excess skin, repairing weakened abdominal musculature, and firming and defining contours. No matter the nature of your desired enhancement, your treatment plan can be fully customized to your individual goals and desires.

Hair Restoration

Hair loss can affect adult men across all ages, but those who contend with premature hair thinning often share one thing in common: a lack of confidence in their appearance due to sparse hair growth. Although this can be frustrating for many patients, advances in aesthetic medicine have made it possible to regrow your own hair without the need for surgery. This minimally invasive approach is performed in-office and doesn’t usually require anesthesia. Results can often be seen in the first couple of months after treatments, although multiple treatments can help provide the best possible outcome.