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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Mastopexy, or breast lift surgery, is designed to make the breasts more youthful by reshaping flat or stretched contours. The procedure removes inelastic skin and excess tissue causing pendulousness (breast sag). Countless factors — including pregnancy, nursing, ongoing weight fluctuation, genetics, and aging — can cause the breasts to change shape, often culminating in a loss of volume, fullness, and firmness. Dr. Ira Savetsky, a skilled New York City aesthetic plastic surgeon, can reverse age-related changes and reshape the breasts to achieve a younger-looking, more rejuvenated appearance in the chest.

Depending on what you hope to accomplish, implants can also be placed at the same time as your breast lift to simultaneously enhance the size, volume, and shape of your breasts. Dr. Savetsky would be happy to speak with you about the details of a combined treatment plan if you’re considering adding breast augmentation to your procedure. 

Is a Breast Lift Right for Me?

A breast lift can provide dynamic results for any patient who wants to improve the shape, positioning, and firmness of their breasts, but good candidates for the procedure usually include women who are: 

  • Healthy and willing to quit smoking before surgery and during the recovery period
  • Near their ideal weight and who do not have plans for significant weight loss
  • Optimistic, while remaining realistic about their hopes for the outcome
  • Not planning to have children or breastfeed in the future

Exploring the before-and-after photos from previous breast lift patients can give you an idea of what to expect for the potential results of your procedure. If your goals are consistent with the outcomes in our patient gallery, this can be an indication that you would benefit from a breast lift. However, a consultation is necessary to confirm whether mastopexy is the most optimal treatment option for you.

How is the Breast Lift Procedure Performed?

Breast lift surgery is an outpatient procedure customized according to the unique details of each person’s treatment plan. Therefore, mastopexy varies slightly from patient to patient. In general, Dr. Savetsky will place incisions along the natural border of the areolas and/or across the natural contour of the breast crease. The location of the incisions and surgical technique(s) utilized will be predetermined during your consultation. Once incisions are made, he will reshape the breasts while removing excess skin, fat, and tissue. Dr. Savetsky will then resize and/or reposition the nipple-areolar complexes, if necessary, to achieve a more rejuvenated, proportional look. If you’re combining a breast lift with breast augmentation in a breast lift with implants, the implants are inserted after mastopexy is performed. The entire procedure usually takes two to three hours and uses general anesthesia, meaning patients can return home on the same day as their surgery.

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What Can I Expect During the Recovery Period After a Breast Lift?

After surgery, you should rest as much as possible and wear your bandages/compression garments as instructed by Dr. Savetsky. This will help promote blood flow and reduce swelling. Our team also encourages light ambulation — such as going on walks, performing light activity around the house, etc. — as soon as you feel strong enough in order to prevent blood clots. Most patients are able to return to work and their daily routines after one to two weeks, although over-the-counter pain medications can help reduce discomfort in the meantime. Exercise and any strenuous work responsibilities should be avoided for at least four weeks.

How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?

The cost of a breast lift varies across the country, and prices can fluctuate depending on your location and the expertise of your plastic surgeon. In New York City, mastopexy generally ranges from $7,500 to $20,000 according to each person’s needs and overall goals. After you receive a consultation with Dr. Savetsky, our office will be able to give you a personalized quote based on your unique treatment plan. We can also discuss financing options with you if desired, which we accept for qualified patients via CareCredit®. If you have any other questions about the cost of a breast lift, please don’t hesitate to contact our office in New York City.

While aging may lead to unfavorable changes in the breasts, Dr. Ira Savetsky can help you reclaim your youthful contours by designing the mastopexy procedure according to your needs. Reach out to Dr. Ira Savetsky today to learn more about breast lift surgery or to discuss your goals with our board-certified plastic surgeon in person.